Healthy Habits for Singers: Medical Maintenance Part 5
Healthy habits for singers aren’t quite as elaborate as you might think, though. They’re actually quite simple.
Singing with Asthma: Medical Maintenance Part 4
How do I sing with Asthma?
Singing With A Cold: Medical Maintenance Part 3
Singing with a cold sucks. Some things you should know about singing with a cold
Singing With Allergies: Medical Maintenance Part 2
Singing can be difficult—after all, there’s a lot to think about when trying to make your best possible sound. BUT singing with...
Protect Your Voice As a Singer: Medical Maintenance Part I
Protect your voice by warming up first and singing your repertoire second.
Proper Vocal Care
Your voice, because it is attached to you, is very different from any other instrument. Therefore, proper vocal care is essential. Your ne